Les activités précédentes

Activités passées

    • Online

    General meeting Fundraisers Alliance Belgium (online, members only)

    General meeting Fundraisers alliance belgium

    General meeting Fundraisers Alliance Belgium (online, members only)
    • Online

    Online conference on 'GDPR: 2 years after implementation' - What about the grey zone? (May 26th 2020)

    It's been almost two years since GDPR has been implemented. On May 26th 2020, exactly two years after implementation, we will look into what questions you still have on GDPR. What have ngo's and charities specifically changed in response to GDPR? What impact have they experienced? And which myths are still alive?

    From 09.30 am to 12.15 pm.
    This session has been changed from a physical meeting to an online conference.

    Language (slides in English, spoken language in Dutch (and French))

    Online conference on 'GDPR: 2 years after implementation' - What about the grey zone? (May 26th 2020)
    • Online

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times” (May 20th)

    During this short online meetup we offer you a sounding board with colleague-fundraisers. Insights and advice will be shared about how to cope with cancelled fundraising events, cancelled face-to-face-actions, with possible decreased interest for your charity, … and how to make the best out of these difficult times. Participants will share their experiences. 

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times” (May 20th)
    • Online

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times” (May 6th)

    During this short online meetup we offer you a sounding board with colleague-fundraisers. Insights and advice will be shared about how to cope with cancelled fundraising events, cancelled face-to-face-actions, with possible decreased interest for your charity, … and how to make the best out of these difficult times. Participants will share their experiences. 

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times” (May 6th)
    • Online

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times” (April 22nd)

    During this short online meetup we offer you a sounding board with colleague-fundraisers. Insights and advice will be shared about how to cope with cancelled fundraising events, cancelled face-to-face-actions, with possible decreased interest for your charity, … and how to make the best out of these difficult times. Participants will share their experiences. 

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times” (April 22nd)
    • Online

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times”

    During this short online meetup we offer you a sounding board with colleague-fundraisers. Insights and advice will be shared about how to cope with cancelled fundraising events, cancelled face-to-face-actions, with possible decreased interest for your charity, … and how to make the best out of these difficult times. Participants will share their experiences. 

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times”
    • Online

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times”

    During this short online meetup we offer you a sounding board with colleague-fundraisers. Insights and advice will be shared about how to cope with cancelled fundraising events, cancelled face-to-face-actions, with possible decreased interest for your charity, … and how to make the best out of these difficult times.

    FAB Online Meetup "Fundraising in COVID 19-times”
    • Online

    Masterclass 'Data driven fundraising'

    During this day Ilja De Coster will take you through his secrets about data driven fundraising.

    Masterclass 'Data driven fundraising'
    • Online

    Conference on the new non-profit legislation (WVV) and on associations and taxation

    More information on the speakers and debate will be added soon.

    From 09.30 am to 12.30 pm.
    @ Brussels

    Language (slides in English, spoken language in Dutch (and French))

    Conference on the new non-profit legislation (WVV) and on associations and taxation
    • Online

    Expeditie De Wervers (4 sessies vanaf 14 januari 2020)

    Ga mee op Expeditie met De Wervers! 

    Expeditie De Wervers (4 sessies vanaf 14 januari 2020)

Photos des activités passées


Les formations proposées par Fundraisers Belgium sont rendues possibles par l'aide de joueurs de la Loterie Nationale.

Votre organisation: un partenaire aussi?

Fundraisers Belgium compte plusieurs partenaires qui font du co-branding avec notre
réseau de qualité de décideurs dans le monde du fundraising. Envoyez un e-mail à
info@fundraisersbelgium.be si vous souhaitez plus d'informations sur le partenariat avec notre