Activités passées
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Conference on ‘Impact in fundraising’
This conference will handle the concept of ‘impact’ in fundraising.
Conference 'Data and fundraising'
What will change with the new GDPR-rules in may 2018?
Conference on how to deal with legacies?
More and more people donate their inheritance (or a part) to charity.
Education session: Strategic Planning for fundraisers
This program is intended for fundraisers who determine and control the strategy of their fundraising. Participants preferably have some more experience in fundraising.
Education session Fundraising Basics
This course is targeted at people who are new to fundraising and/or marketing.
Conference: major donor fundraising + special interest group
Conference: major donor fundraising + special interest group
Education (advanced): data-driven fundraising
Learn all about data-driven fundraising.
Conference: youth and fundraising + Special Interest Group
Learn all about youth and fundraising.
Conference: online fundraising + general meeting
Conference: online fundraising + general meeting
Education (advanced): strategic planning in fundraising
Education (advanced): strategic planning in fundraising