FAB is still looking for fundraisers wanting to share their experiences with peers!

Share your experience and knowledge with colleagues during an FAB-conference, get feedback and recognition on how you are getting things done.

  • Do you see a difference between donor behaviour in Flanders and Wallonia? Or difference between fundraisers in these parts of the country? Or do you know anyone who has an interesting vision on this theme?
  • Do you want to share your experience in working with consultants or providers for fundraising work?
  • Does your organisation want to share a case about major donor projects or legacies?
  • How does your organisation segment target groups? And what is the line of thought behind that?

Let us know via fab@2mpact.be.

The FAB team


Les formations proposées par Fundraisers Belgium sont rendues possibles par l'aide de joueurs de la Loterie Nationale.

Votre organisation: un partenaire aussi?

Fundraisers Belgium compte plusieurs partenaires qui font du co-branding avec notre
réseau de qualité de décideurs dans le monde du fundraising. Envoyez un e-mail à
info@fundraisersbelgium.be si vous souhaitez plus d'informations sur le partenariat avec notre