European nonprofits are transforming fundraising and service delivery to survive pandemic era, survey reveals

EFA report impact covid 19 report.JPGEFA, the European Fundraising Association, came together with to take the ‘pulse’ on what the pandemic has meant for nonprofits in Europe, asking about the impact on donation levels, service delivery, fundraising channels and more.

In 2020, lives and livelihoods worldwide were transformed by the Covid-19 pandemic.Many fundraising channels were closed off and nonprofits had to find new ways of delivering vital services.

797 representatives from nonprofits in 26 nations across Europe filled in the survey by EFA and  Comparisons were made between the six nations with the largest number of responses; the UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and France.

This is not an in-depth report into the undoubtedly devastating impact of the pandemic, but a summary of trends identified in that survey, which EFA hopes will offer greater insight into how the fundraising, service delivery and broader nonprofit environment is changing. They believe that this is the first time that nonprofit representatives from so many European nations have contributed to a survey of this scale, focusing on the impact of the pandemic and how it is changing their approach to fundraising and service delivery.

View News Report 'European nonprofits are transforming fundraising and service delivery to survive pandemic era, survey reveals'.

A summary report by EFA.


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