- Online
Online conference on how to empower and energize yourself and your (fundraising) colleagues (17 September 2020)
How to keep your courage and oxygen to keep going for your fundraising job with infectious enthusiasm
From 10:00 am to 12.00 pm.
Conversed to an online meetup.
Language (slides in English, spoken language in Dutch)

This conference targets fundraisers and people responsible for HR in non-profit organisations
Excessive performance pressure and burnout are omnipresent today for many professionals. Not only personal well-being, but also the organizations, and in a bigger picture, society, are affected by this. Fundraisers are often at the forefront when it comes to performing under permanent pressure, achieving targets, keeping a wide variety of stakeholders satisfied. As bridgebuilders they have a bigger risk of getting a burnout.
Many fundraisers have to cope with negative or wrong perception in regard to the ‘métier’, unrealistic financial goals that too often go hand in hand with shrinking budgets, disproportionate expectations from higher levels in the organisation, etc. It is not always evident to find the every day courage and oxygen to go for it with infectious enthusiasm.
In this session specialists and experts will guide us through current insights to learn us to recognize signals from ourselves or colleagues and, above all, will provide us with tips and tricks for a physically and mentally healthy way to deal with the countless challenges that we have to deal with on a daily basis as an employee of a fundraising organisation.
Get insights from HR professionals and get inspired by handy and clever work life balance tools.
Attending this conference will help you in finding and guaranteeing the positive and committed mindset that we all need to keep going in function of our mission and ultimate beneficiaries!
Because healthy and happy employees also make happy teams and by extension resilient organizations.
Speakers are:
- Jeroen Naudts, strategic communicator, specialised in internal communications, founder of Starfish HR Consultancy and lector Communicatiemanagement at the Arteveldehogeschool - will talk about how fundraisers and people engaging themselves for charities as bridgebuilders can lower the chance of burn-out and will offer practical tips to do so.
- Iris De Caluwé, HR-manager at Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, will talk about her experiences as HR-professional for the non-profit sector and share her expertise and tips.
Target group for this session: Fundraisers, HR-colleagues in fundraising organisations, CEO's of fundraising organisations.
Practical information
Thursday 17 september 2020
From 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Online meeting via Zoom (the login will be provided shortly before the webinar)
Language (slides in English, spoken language in Dutch (and French))