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FAB Webinar on 'Event fundraising'
During this conference we will invite experts and colleague-fundraisers to share their succes stories about event fundraising.

During this experts and colleague-fundraisers share their succes stories about event fundraising.
Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen about Refugee Walk 2020 and 2021
In september 2020 Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen organised the fifth edition of the Refugee Walk, a corona-proof edition. This edition broke all records, with over 1900 people joining in and collecting 496.000 euros. On October 3 2021 the next edition is planned. Manu Van Roosbroeck (head of fundraising and innovation) will share success elements of the past edition and what new elements they will be implementing this year.
Special Olympics Belgium about their Virtual Games
By Pieter Maenhout
On the 14th of May 2021 the second Special Olympics Belgium Virutal Games was organised. They unified 7.906 participants and 1.000 medals were delivered all across Belgium.They had great media coverage and value and reach on social media. Besides the Virtual Games, they also launched a Digital Sports Program from September 2020 to May 2021 : "SPECIAL 9" with a monthly sport on the programme: sports exercises, celebrities who supported, companies with CSR actions et cetera.
Oxfam Belgium about their fundraising events such as Oxfam Trailwalker
By Markus Neumann, Relationship & Events fundraiser
Oxfam Trailwalker is took place on 28 & 29 August this year. 314 teams registered to walk 100 km and over 567.600 euros have been raised.
Kentaa and Koalect both with a case by a client
Kentaa will be sharing their insights and tips in helping organise the 14K Legacy Run by the Johan Cruyff Foundation. Koalect will be sharing sharing a case for a client on event fundaising.
When? Tuesday 14 September, from 10:00 AM to 12:20 PM.
Where? Online, via ZOOM
Language: English