FAB Conference on The art of thanking donors
Join us for this conference in Brussels on The art of thanking donors.

Join us for this conference in Brussels on The art of thanking donors.
Jeroen Janssens will focus on the importance of thanking every donor.
- Welcoming and thanking new donors as a foundation for a lasting relation.
- Continuing gratitude to improve donor development.
We will look at different techniques and communication channels: face-to-face recruitment, telemarketing scripts, online and print mailings and newsletters. Never stop thanking your donors.
Jeroen is a professional fundraiser since 2005, working for several international ngo's such as Oxfam, Amnesty International and Doctors of the World. He will share some experiences and insights on how donor relationship building starts at the very first contact and continues forever.
Isabel Penne will be talking about thanking major and middle donors.
- What categories of fundraising are there? (one to one, one to some, one to many)
- Thanking as a tool for relationship building (relational thanking)
- How do you thank these donors? the 5 I's: identify, inform (communicate), interest (events), involve (involvement in the organisation), invest
Isabel has more than 35 years of experience in friendraising (coordinator of alumni activities) and fundraising (director of University Fund) at KU Leuven. After a reorganisation, she was assigned a new position in 2019. Since 2020 she is sharing her expertise in fundraising through Isabel Penne Consultancy as a secondary profession. Isabel held many positions with CASE (Council for the Advancement and support of Education). She has lectured at seminars all over Europe. She is co-founder and president of FAB (Fundraisers Alliance Belgium).
Helena Schalenbourg will be talking about the power of a personal thank you.
- How active listening provides lots of opportunity for building strong connections with donors
- Why ‘old school’ and even time-consuming ways of expressing gratitude are very much worth it
Helena has been part of Damien Foundation’s legacy & major donor team since 2015. Previously, she worked for 12 years for international communications agencies in Brussels, Doha, Beijing, Singapore and London.
When? Thursday 17 March 2022
- 09:30 AM - 10.00 AM: Welcome coffee
- 10.00 AM - 12.00 PM: Conference
- 12.00 PM - 12.30 PM: Drinks and networking
Where? Belgisch Stripcentrum - Museum Brussel Zandstraat 20 1000 Brussel (in Auditorium Bob de Moor)
Mouth masks are optional as of March 7th (code yellow).
Registration is required.