Over To err is human! Why (Fundraising) fuck-ups are important!

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To err is human! Why (Fundraising) fuck-ups are important!

To err is human! Why (Fundraising) fuck-ups are important!

To err is human! Why (Fundraising) fuck-ups are important!

To err is human! Why (Fundraising) Fuck-ups are important!

Making mistakes and errors is only human. Ingrid Crollet is cutthecrap coach and cutthe crap-trainer. Psychological insights, humour and sincerity are her fundaments. She is head of the Flemish part of ‘Instituut voor Faalkunde’, and in this capacity she helps spread the ‘pleasure of failing’.

Ingrid will convince you of the importance of making mistakes and what you can take from them to improve yourself.

After Ingrid’s talk an open discussion will take place about mistakes made in fundraising and what lessons we learned from them. This may contain an epic fail or even a small mistake that had a great impact on how you continued to do things in your job. 

The Chatham House Rule will apply to this session, this means anyone who comes to this session is free to use information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made any comment. This way we ensure that everyone can speak openly.

This FAB session will be held online via Zoom. 
When? Thursday 22 april, from 15:00 to 16:30.
Language: Talk by Ingrid in English, anyone taking the digital floor to share can talk in his/her own language.

Picture by Canva

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