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Online education session Storytelling for non-profits and NGO's
Stories are one of the most important parts of a fundraiser’s toolkit. But as the day-job takes over it can be easy to neglect them. To get wrapped up in the jargon and numbers that define our world. This is your chance to take a step back. To reflect on the stories that shape your organisation, inside and out.
General meeting Fundraisers Alliance Belgium (online, members only)
General meeting Fundraisers Alliance Belgium
Masterclass 'Donor Journeys'
Donor retention, donor journeys, integrated communications, persona’s and satisfaction surveys… Donor retention is a hot topic these days.
FAB Webinar 'Corporates: friend or foe?' - Conference on corporate fundraising and partnerships
Join us for this webinar on insights and tips and tricks on corporate fundraising and partnerships.
To err is human! Why (Fundraising) fuck-ups are important!
To err is human! Why (Fundraising) fuck-ups are important!
Online education session 'Basics for fundraisers'
In this general introduction into fundraising, we focus mainly on the basics of fundraising.
Online Masterclass 'Data driven fundraising'
During this day Ilja De Coster will take you through his secrets about data driven fundraising.
Masterclass 'Marketing and Fundraising: Two sides of the same coin?'
Marketing and Fundraising are often viewed as a pair of the same kind, in many organisations terminologically interchangeable, in any case both framed as the same necessary evil. But what exactly is the relationship and interaction between the two disciplines? Are they really two sides of the same coin? Or completely different, such as, to say something, fundraising and plumbing?
FAB Webinar on trends and innovations in fundraising
Let's have a look at the latest trends and innovations in fundraising. What has changed since we had to switch to contactless fundraising because of the Coronacrisis?
Introduction to crisis preparedness and crisis communication for Fundraisers (online)
At some point in its existence, every organization is faced with a crisis situation. The cause may lie in the organization itself or it may be due to an external context that you have to anticipate on. You can be critically tackled in the media, face a cyber attack on critical systems such as CRM, get in the eye of a social media storm, etc. In many cases nothing less than the reputation and credibility of the organization are at stake. A real crisis is always inconvenient, unexpected and disruptive. When a crisis hits the organisation, beautiful theoretical communications are suddenly less reality proof than you thought, decision-making processes do no longer guarantee the best, fastest and most accurate decisions. In short, it is chaos.