Step out of your (digital) comfortzone: reach out via Messenger, raise funds through streamingplatforms

Anne-Lise Martin is Digital Paid Media Specialist at Greenpeace Belgium. She mainly creates campaigns on Facebook for Greenpeace. Before the pandemic Greenpeace was already very digitally active to raise funds.

2022-06-21 Testament Tournée Généreuse - 13 - DSC06877“When the pandemic hit we became creative and adressed our fans and ambassadors via Messenger. So we really looked for new ways to approach people and see what was on their minds in that moment.”, Anne-Lise explains.

4.000 pieces of forest sold

“We stepped out of our comfort zone. And of course we continue to use the successful ways to raise funds. One thing that worked really well was giving people a concrete project to contribute to. For example they could buy a piece of forest or could symbollicaly give that piece of forest to a friend as a present. That campaign was really successful, that exploded and really exceeded our expectations. All 4.000 pieces of forest were sold. Those who bought one and received a certificate could come visit it with their family. We welcomed 500 brave supporters to plant the trees, it was great.”

“So we keep on contacting people to ask them to support concrete actions. And we try to contact our one-off donors as well and are planning actions to re-introduce people as donors. And a peer-to-peer platform is (being) launched. Because that way we will also get into contact with supporters of our cause. But of course we will keep on combining physical with online events.”

Stream for Trees

Greenpeace Belgium launched “Stream for Trees” in september, a collaboration with Stream’Her and more than 70 streamers on streamingplatform Twitch. The goal is to collect 10.000 euros to create new micro-forest in the Brussels region. Eventually 15.216 euros were raised (more information in Dutch on this campaign).

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